Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Mission Preparations

We're on the final lap of our mission preparations and we're heading into the mission home on December 1st.

We must admit, learning French has been a bit challenging. At this point, we know a few words and simple phrases, and we're learning more each day. At one point, we were out running errands one day, and I asked Brent if he had his keys with him. He responded, "What?". I repeated myself, "Do you have your keys". He again responded with, "What?". A third time I emphatically asked, "DO YOU HAVE YOUR KEYS?". To which he responded: "Oh, I didn't understand. I thought you were talking to me in French."

As you can see, we're going to need all of your faith and prayers.

We're really excited to go out and serve the Lord and the people of Douala. We have been spending the last week visiting our children and grandchildren in Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and Montana. We're on the home stretch, and we will say our last goodbyes to the kids at Thanksgiving.

Thanks to Paul and Whitney for helping us setup this blog and encouraging us to actually use it to communicate.